Secure Coding Checker
Trial version

Use this trial version to test out some of the features of Secure Coding Checker.

  Testing your apk file with some of the checks in Secure Coding Checker

  1. Select your apk file.
  2. Read the terms of use carefully, and select the Agree to the terms of use check box (if you agree to the terms of use).
  3. Click the Start check button.

Select a file

Read the terms of use

When testing your apk file with the trial version, you receive detailed violation information only for Creating Activities. For other items, you are notified only of violations and violation levels.

Items Checked in the Trial Version
Component Activities
Broadcast Receivers
Content Providers
File Database (SQLite)
SD card
Internal files
Temporary files
Network Encrypted communication (HTTPS)
Web link (Browsable Intent)
Security Password
Account Manager
Privacy data
Biometric authentication
Other Clipboard
Shared memory
Apache Cordova

  Testing a demonstration apk file with all of the checks in Secure Coding Checker

Testing the demonstration apk file displays everything you can check with Secure Coding Checker, so you can see how vulnerabilities and remediation options are reported.

Handling Personal Information

LAC Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as the " Company") is committed to the protection of the personal information based on the Personal Information Protection Policy and shall properly manage the personal information of employees, customers, business partners, and all shareholders.

Please review the details on Handling Personal Informationat this page.

Handling Personal Information